Would you like to take charge of the recruitment and selection of your employees and have more time to focus on your business?
We are Mondial Payroll, your partner in the field of personnel matters. We have been active in the labor market since 2001, in many sectors. In the complex world of work, we are happy to offer our guidance. This way you can focus on doing business.
Our offices are located in Noord-Hollandse Schagen, Frisian Sint Annaparochie and Limburg Venlo. We are curious what we can do for you!
As an entrepreneur, your work is your passion. We understand that managing payroll and personnel administration are complex and time-consuming tasks. That is why we offer you the opportunity to outsource these tasks to us, so that you can focus on growing your business. This is called Payroll.
Payroll means that you transfer the employership to us. The employee is therefore on the payroll at Mondial Payroll, but will work exclusively at your organization. In concrete terms, this means that Mondial Payroll is the formal employer, while the employee works for you.
Our expert team ensures flawless personnel and payroll administration, including drawing up employment contracts, salary calculations, payroll taxes, compliance with laws and regulations and all other aspects of good employment.
You are completely “in control”; you choose who comes to work for your organization, determine the personnel planning yourself and have day-to-day management of your employees.
Employees who are appointed via Mondial Payroll enjoy the same employment conditions as employees who are directly employed by you. We always apply the collective labor agreement or company regulations as you apply them to your own employees.
Within a period of three years, we can offer the payroll employee a maximum of three temporary employment contracts. You have the freedom to determine the duration of the various contracts. After the third contract, the employee is entitled to a permanent contract (indefinite!).
If there is a gap of six months or more between two contracts, the counting for the contracts starts again.
Your employees are indispensable to your company. In addition to primary, secondary employment conditions are also important to them. Mondial Payroll has a good pension provision for your payroll employees.
We place all payroll employees for you with the “doenpensioen” of ASR. This pension fund takes good care of the future of your employees.
Of course, we will inform the payroll employee of the details of the pension.
Would you like to know more about the ASR pension fund?
Then visit www.asr.nl/zakelijk/income-en-pensioen/doenpensioen for more information.
Unfortunately, every organization has to deal with sick employees, which results in a loss of manpower while wages must continue to be paid.
By using the services of Mondial Payroll, you have outsourced the risk of absenteeism of your payroll employees.
When a payroll employee reports sick, the first two weeks are at your own expense. This means that you must bear the wage costs yourself during this period. If the illness lasts longer, we will take over the costs from you.
The two-week period applies to each sick leave separately. However, if there are less than four weeks between the absence periods, we consider this as compound absence. In that case, the periods of absence are added together, so that you do not have a new deductible of two weeks.
Except during the deductible period, you are not responsible for the costs of (long-term) sick leave.
To ensure that your payroll employee can quickly return to work, we will completely take over your sick leave management. We will also correctly implement the correct continued payment and the associated conditions (such as a possible waiting day) for you.
Are you going to have a payroll employee working for you via Mondial Payroll? We will then immediately create a personal online environment for this payroll employee. Here, the payroll employee can find all of his documents, such as contracts and payslips. He also has the option to view and approve his worked hours.
In addition, you will receive login details for our online portal. Here you can view the details of your payroll employees, as well as the hours worked that you can view, adjust and approve.
Based on the hours you have specified, we will ensure correct payment to the payroll employee and an error-free invoice for you. Together with your login details, you will also receive an explanation of the portal.
Mondial Payroll takes good care of your payroll employees. An important aspect of this is that we want the payroll employee to be well insured in the event of long-term disability. Sometimes the income can decrease significantly, which can cause the payroll employee to get into financial trouble. We do not want this!
In order to protect the payroll employee, Mondial Payroll has taken out a mandatory WGA insurance. This is a nice secondary employment condition. Thanks to this supplementary insurance, the income in case of disability is supplemented to 70% of the last earned salary, with a maximum that is equal to the Social Insurance Wage.
Mondial Payroll offers transparent hourly rates. We use a fixed factor for all our payroll services.
This means:
the hourly rate is the gross hourly wage x the factor.
The stated rate is exclusive of VAT, but covers a number of very nice things:
For our and your convenience, we work with direct debit and collect on the same day as the payment of the salaries to the payroll employees is transferred. We hereby neatly transfer 30% of the amount to the G-account.
Since 2020, payroll employees are entitled to a transition payment from day one. This payment is a mix of 1/3 of the monthly salary plus holiday pay for each year they work. For shorter years of service, this is neatly calculated pro rata.
So even if a payroll employee has only worked for you for 3 months and you decide to leave, he is entitled to a transition payment of 1/36 per month. That is 1/12 of the monthly salary plus holiday pay. But note: this only applies if you end the collaboration, if the payroll employee decides to stop himself, then this payroll employee will not receive a transition payment.
The maximum transition payment is €89,000 or a maximum of one year's salary, if that amount is higher than €89,000.
Our rate does not include any transition compensation. However, we would like to reassure you: if your employee is entitled to this compensation, Mondial Payroll will pass it on to you with an attractive conversion factor of 1.07. Of course, you will see our calculation before we proceed to pay out the transition compensation.
Outsourcing of contract and payroll administration
Sickness absence management, risk in case of long-term illness is for Mondial Payroll
Good pension provision
Personal digital hours portal
Payment by direct debit
Personal contact, easy accessibility
We hope that we have been able to infect you with our enthusiasm for our services! If you choose Mondial Payroll, you opt for a long-term collaboration with your own trusted contacts
Because we know each other, we can quickly switch if you wish! And because we are nearby, we can easily walk in at a time that suits you.
If you are excited to start our collaboration, just like us, we have created an overview of the follow-up process below. Of course, we will contact you personally, but this way you are already aware of what to expect.
The first step is to listen carefully to your wishes, so that our service really suits you.
Once everything is clear, we sign the payroll agreement and provide support to your payroll employees in reviewing and signing their contract.
Both you and the payroll employees receive login details for the digital environment. This makes everything clear and accessible to everyone.
Both the payment to the payroll employee and the automatic collection take place weekly. You will receive the invoice weekly by e-mail, so that you are always well informed about your expenses.
We are happy to help you. Fill in the form or schedule a personal meeting right away. Completely non-binding and fully customized.